House of ZK is making a grand return for ETHCC in Brussels!
Join us for a day filled with insightful conversations and debates about Zero Knowledge, followed by our exclusive Happy Hour.
Unwind with an eclectic mix of handcrafted cocktails, delectable appetizers, and a lively atmosphere that's perfect for relaxing after delving into the world of Zero Knowledge.
Event Agenda
17:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m.
Happy Hour hosted
by ZKM
Hosted by
Daniel Lumi
Senior Product Manager of ZK Stack at Matter Labs
Jeroen Van de Graaf
Researcher at ZKM
Pavel Sinelnikov
DevRel Lead at ZKM
Ming Guo
Chief Scientist at ZKM
Vince Yang
CEO at zkLink
Rami Khalil
Senior Protocol Engineer at Risc Zero
Marlin Protocol Researcher
Jordi Baylina
Polygon Co-founder
Itai Elizur
COO and Partner at MarketAcross
Neville Grech
Co-Founder Dedaub
Omer Sadika
dWallet Labs CEO
Zack Xuereb
Aleo DevRel Engineer
Matthias Nadler
PhD Candidate at University of Basel
Norbert Vadas
Protocol Researcher at Gevulot
Nick Pann
Co-founder of Sindri
Jorrin Bruns
Developer Relations Engineer at Taiko
Emily Lin
Developer Advocate at Linea
Victor Muñoz
DevRel Lead at Metis
Yan Liu
Software Engineer at Pi Squared
Ashton Barger
Sponsorships Manager ETH_Tallinn
Product Director of zkPass
Gnana Lakshmi
Developer Advocate, Starknet Foundation
Phil Kelly
Head of Business Development at o1Labs
Xiong (Leo) Fan
Cornell PhD, Cryptographer at Cysic